Monday, July 6, 2009


I love music and I like to blog, and I really like using Twitter. In fact, I think I use it too much but oh well. Monday is always fun for me because it's kind of set aside for music on Twitter. I love Tweeting about music and seeing what people have to say about music, so it is a good day. I think I'll start posting updates going more into what songs and bands I mention on #musicmonday. To get in depth, you know?

Sigur Ròs - this Icelandic band has really captivated me. Not long ago I was only familiar with their songs Sæglópur and Staralfur but just last night I got very curious and eager to hear more of their music, so I listened to three of their more recent albums online. Takk..., Ágætis Byrjun, and með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Heh. The album artwork of that last one threw me off a bit - it's a back view of naked men running through a field which means I will never be posting an image of it on this blog. I think the artwork for Ágætis Byrjun (seen above) is really cool. Anyway, their music really is like nothing I've ever heard. The ambiance of it is just so beautiful, so pure, and so uplifting. Sæglópur in particular has moved me to tears on multiple occasions just by how . . . empowering it is. I think one of the things I appreciate about the band's sound the most is the falsetto in the vocals. This falsetto has actually been dubbed "Hopelandic" by the band - a made up language in and of itself. Stunning.

From Ágætis Byrjun I've been listening to Olsen Olsen. It starts out with what seems like something much more . . . I guess rough (for lack of a better word) than their other tracks. I can imagine an indie rock band making a slow ballad out of the beginning and it's really nice. The beautiful Hopelandic works its way into the song and fits very well, and towards the middle/end (after a beautiful flute solo and more Hopelandic) the song becomes very powerful and kind of . . . happy. Again, I'm lacking a better word.

I've really been enjoying Gobbledigook off of með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. It inspires me to play guitar and sing "la la la's" at very fast tempos, and to run around a field of flowers. Or drive down a long, straight road at high speeds. Either one while listening to this song would be simply amazing.

The Veils is quickly becoming a popular listen-to band on my trusty iPod. A good friend of mine introduced me to them not long ago, and I would introduce them to any indie fan. In a few of their songs I catch a hint of folk also, but perhaps that's just me. I don't have the funds to purchase a lot of their work yet, but I have gotten tracks from Nux Vomica, Sun Gangs, and The Runaway Found. All are beautifully constructed albums.

From Sun Gangs I'm enjoying Sit Down By The Fire. The very start of the song makes me want to do just that - sit down by a nice bonfire with a group of friends and play guitar. Speaking of, I'll be looking for chord sheets to this very soon. The lyrics are deep and put together very well. Deep, but the overall sound of the song makes it fun. Also from Sun Gangs: The Letter, Sun Gangs, and The House She Lived In.

The Leavers Dance is the only track I have on my iPod from The Runaway Found, but man, this song gives me chills! I really admire the vocals in this song. Blended in with a soothing drum beat and electric guitar, the singer's voice comes in very smoothly and then transitions into a sound with a little more power. I would call it dry also but in a good way. The lyrics are very good too.

I very much like Nux Vomica. It's an interesting title considering that Nux Vomica is an evergreen tree found in south Asia. Also used in Homeopathy. So far it's my favorite out of the three albums I've heard from. Nux Vomica (the track) just so happens to be my favorite from the album, haha. This song has a rough edge compared to the others I've heard, and includes a few bursts of sharp electric guitar. Beautiful. The lyrics are very . . . interesting, drawing in a bit of religion as the song is a prayer.

Other songs to check out from Nux Vomica: Calliope!, One Night On Earth, and Advice For Young Mothers To Be.

There was another song I mentioned on Twitter, but alas, I'll have to put it on hold. You see, it's a song that touches my heart very deeply, therefore, it will have a post of its own very soon. Thanks for reading!

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